Thursday, September 24, 2009

79 drawings #1

My storyboarding class started today, and at the beginning of every class, we will be doing 79 drawings of frames from movies/animation. They start out as quick 10 second sketches and gradually build up to a final 5 minute sketch. It's hard to do quick 10 second sketches at first, but you get used to it, and just move on to the next one. I actually liked it a lot, really good practice of making quick drawings and quickly deciding how much detail you need and what is important in the scene.

Here are the 79 drawings from the first day, and the movie today was 2001: A Space Odyssey. Will try to post these from each session. Should be a fun class.


Daniel said...

Hey man, take those pictures into photoshop and adjust the levels. Its really hard to make em out. I want to see how 10seconds per frame turned out for everyone lol

Vance U. Vaden said...

Sweet mother of Moses you already scanned them in? O.o

...good stuff btw

Marcelo Meijome said...

i adjusted them quickly in preview, but might go back and do them better in photoshop. Not too much to see in the 10 second drawings except some lines lol

Wenie said...

everybody's 10 second should look like abstract drawing i think....