Wanted to create a website for my short ever since I finished the project, but never got around to it........until now! Seems to be what most people do when they make a short. Spent the last few days making a simple site with just a few pages. Used iWeb for the first time, but you can actually build pretty nice looking sites really fast with it. Did a little html/css coding at the end too though, and added the javascript for shadowbox that makes the pics and video pop up.
Right now I have it hosted through my dropbox and then renamed the url with dot.tk, which is good enough for now I think. Anyone know any good free or cheap domain/hosts I could use?
I will have the full short on the site after it's been shown in a few festivals most likely. Will also have some preproduction stuff on there at some point.
ps: I tested the site on mac versions of safari, chrome, and firefox. All seemed to work pretty well, let me know if you have any problems.